Age of Empires - PC Cheat Codes
Enter the codes below into the chat box (press enter).
Cheat Code | Effect |
bigdaddy coinage diediedie gaia jack be nimble no fog pepperoni pizza quarry reveal map steroids woodstock dark rain home run hoyohoyo e=mc2 trooper photon man | a car with missiles extra 1000 gold kills all opponents take control of the animals catapults fire people clears the fog extra 1000 food extra 1000 stone shows entire map build instantly extra 1000 wood bowmen into trees and walk on water win the scenario priest moves fast and 600 hit points silver man with a nuclear missile nuke trooper with laser gun |
Thanks to the following users for their cheats in this section:
K8 Frizza | Ben Keeler | Peter Mcavan | Nicolas Campbell | Rebekah Byrne | Nathan Mclauchlan | Nick McDonnell | James Kelman | Matthew Burn | Codicus | Tom L
back to top | © Copyright 2001-2011
Enter the codes below into the chat box (press enter).
Cheat Code | Effect |
aegis black death cheese steak jimmy's i r winner lumberjack marco polo natural wonders resign rock on torpedo? to smithereens | faster construction kills all opponents extra 1000 food win the game extra 1000 wood shows entire map show enemy bases gives control of nature lose the game extra 1000 stone kill opponent where ? is the player get sabateuor |
Thanks to the following users for their cheats in this section:
Jibraan Khalid | vazak kumar
back to top | © Copyright 2001-2011
Enter the codes below into the chat box (press enter).
Cheat Code | Effect |
aegis black death cheese steak jimmy's i r winner lumberjack marco natural wonders resign rock on torpedo? woof woof | faster construction kills all opponents extra 1000 food win the game extra 1000 wood shows entire map gives control of nature lose the game extra 1000 stone kill opponent where ? is the player get flying dogs |
Thanks to the following users for their cheats in this section:
Daniel Esneul
back to top | © Copyright 2001-2011
Age of Mythology Cheats Enter the codes below into the chat box (press enter).
Cheat Code | Effect |
atm of erebus bawk bawk boom channel surfing consider the internet divine intervention engineered grain fear the forage goatunheim in the darkest night isis hear my plea i want teh monkeys!1! junk food night l33t supa h4X0r lay of the land lets go! now! mount olympus mr. monday . o canada pandoras box red tide set ascendant thrill of victory tines of victory trojan horse for sale uncertainty and doubt wrath of the gods wuv woo | get 1000 gold chicken-meteor god power Skip to next scene units slow down re-use a god power more food from animals walking berry bushes god power all units to goats god power change to night time get heroes from present campaign monkeys galore get 1000 food build faster view map gameplay faster full favor AI handicap have a lazer bear random god powers turns water red view animals on map win game have a forkboy get 1000 wood map disappear get the lightning storm, earthquake, meteor and tornado god powers have a flying purple hippo |
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